The Hidden Problem With Porn
When some people talk about their use of porn, they get defensive. "It’s harmless! Watching porn is just how I cope. In fact, it actually improves my marriage because it’s how I blow off steam. It’s no big deal. It’s just looking. What’s the harm in daydreaming and indulging in a little bit of fantasy?"
Well, here's the problem. Any good salesman knows if he can get you to at least give something a try, then you're more likely to buy.

Saying “thanks” could save your relationship
If I asked your spouse how long it’s been since you sincerely thanked them for anything, would it be more than a day? More than a week? Would they even be able to remember?
It’s a big deal because gratitude is vital to a healthy relationship. Unfortunately, most of us tend to think we’re grateful since because of how we feel. Feeling glad to have someone in your life isn’t quite the same thing as gratitude, though. Real gratitude isn't a feeling, it's an expression.

Five Things You Need To Do If Your Spouse Had An Affair
If you’ve learned that your spouse had an affair, I recognize this is probably one of the most difficult and painful times of your life. Whether the affair was physical, emotional, or flirtatious, you’ve experienced a betrayal of trust. But hear me say: there is hope. I don’t at all want to minimize or trivialize the huge breach of trust you’ve experienced. But I do want to assure you, there is hope.